
Showing posts from October, 2022

Prayer for Guidance

  Prayer for Guidance  The mercy of the Lord, compassionate Father, Guide me and provide for me The miracles that Preserve, Protect, and Prosper, Establish me in all my needs met, And more than enough to bless others, Enable me to fulfill all goals and bliss, Thank you. Amen. So Mote it Be. -ACK-

Infinite Possibility through Faith

  A circle without an end the infinite blooms of the flourishing goodness prevail. Hope in Renewal, Growth, Restoration, Thriving Expansion, and Healing Faith, where the magic of God enables us to thrive for which we are forever grateful. All is possible when you believe. I am a believer. -ACK-

Prayer of Eight Angels

  Prayer of Eight Angels Written by: Reverend Priestess Amy Christine Keiper Cassiel by moonlight, magic, and balance, Uriel with light and Grace for abundant channel I am blessed with money to bless others, Gabriel good news bringer deliver, call into tangible existence the promises and miracles the Divine placed my name upon, Raphael guide me true and bring healing light into every area of my entire life, Jeremiel bring me clarity, mercy, and communication, Michael provide for me full protection, Ramiel restoration, resurrection through faith, hope, and forgiveness must re-establish me in love, good fortune, finance, home, joy and peace, All of the Glory to The Divine on Highest  Amen, So mote it be By Divine Grace, Let it be. Hallelujah  Shalom -ACK- ~Brightest Blessings from the Covenant Flourish Church